Chris and Courtney Bowman
Meet Chris and Courtney
Yesterday while out on a hike, I passed a guy venturing off the path heading up towards a steep hillside. I asked him if he had seen any snakes and he said "I haven't but if they bite me hopefully they bite my prosthetic leg." I laughed and thought, man this guy has a great sense of humor and he's off-roading with a prosthetic leg... Hell ya! He said he was going up the side of this mountain (hill... large hill, steep incline, whatever you want to call didn't look easy.)
I continued on my walk/hike for about 30 minutes and on my way back I saw his orange shirt.... WAY UP THERE!!! I couldn't help but pull out my phone and video this impressive climb. And then I cheered him on; first to myself then a little louder and then I noticed that my voice was ricocheting off the cliff and amplified enough that he could hear me. He said his name was Chris and he said he would wait for me if I wanted to climb. LOL I was like ummmm no thanks but I'm super impressed! I shouted "Chris you're a badass!"
He told me he had a YouTube Channel and to go say hi to his wife Courtney and get a card and connect. Of course I was going to do that! So around the corner I went and met Courtney and their two dogs Gus and Bruce. Two overly lovable pups licked me to death and I LOVED it!
While I was in the RV Chris did a group video call to Courtney and his family and I got to be part of the celebration of him making it to the top! What a cool fricken moment!
I told Courtney a little bit about Beautiful Strength and invited her and Chris to come down to the bus whenever they had a chance and participate in the portrait project. I knew their high spirited personalities and kindness would be a perfect story to share.
An hour or so later, they drove their jeep down to the bus and we got to talk about RV and Bus life. A few years ago they sold their 3k square foot house in Michigan and moved to Northern California and then 3 weeks ago they went full time in their RV. They want to travel the US (even up to Alaska next year) and then eventually go international. It’s always fun hearing road stories from other nomads.
Then we got into their individual stories.
Chris was born with a condition called Amniotic Band Syndrome.
Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS)
Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) occurs when the lining of the amniotic sac is damaged during pregnancy, creating fibrous, string-like strands of tissue that entangle the fetus or parts of the fetus and or umbilical cord. Called amniotic bands, these strands may wrap around different parts of the developing body, restricting blood flow and disrupting the baby’s normal growth.
ABS effected Chris’s hands. He was born with a small foot below his right knee that was amputated, as well as a clubbed left foot that required surgery to rotate and is his “good leg.” He also had a cleft lip. Chris told me told me about how he struggled growing up. Kids were mean. He was bullied and felt outcast. Being born in the late 70s and growing up in the 80’s he didn’t know any other amputees. He didn’t have anyone on TV or in the media to look up to or be inspired by. Until he came across Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete and marathon runner who lost his leg due to cancer. Chris finally had someone that looked like him doing something great with his life, despite the loss of his leg.
Chris had this image from a newspaper clipping hanging on his wall. He even credits Terry Fox to being “the reason I adventure.”
It wasn't all smooth sailing after discovering Terry. Chris continued to struggle through his teens and into his early 20s. There was even one night that he sat for hours on a bridge contemplating jumping and ending his life. He doubted that he could successfully complete this mission and would probably fail at suicide as well. He asked his mom if he could come live back with her while he figured his life out. She encouraged him to try being positive and try living life from a different attitude. He asked her how it could be better and she told him what he was doing wasn’t working out, so what if changing his attitude did make the difference. He might as well try. Something clicked in him with that conversation that altered the way he thought and pursued life.
Chris joined a chat room and what started out as a pursuit for a dating life, turned into joining a room of amputees and amputee parents seeking advice. He was able to answer several questions or offer in-site as to what his mom did in certain situations or what being an amputee was like. He found purpose in helping others. Now he could be the Terry Fox to other kids! He could show other amputees that life could be an adventure and the attitude you have can make all the difference.
This is Courtney. Walking up to someone who has no clue who you are and is eagerly excited to photograph her and her husband could have gone super awkward, but I am grateful Courtney was a yes person and I was equally excited to meet her and hear her story as I was Chris’s.
Courtney grew up in a conservative church environment where women had to wear skirts that did not go above the knee and women couldn’t wear tops that showed any type of cleavage. She was taught that men have the authority over women and that women were not suppose to speak up, argue, or voice their opinions.
She also had a rocky upbringing with her parents’ rotating in and out of the household creating a less than a stable family dynamic. Courtney dreamed of being a school teacher and while she did attend college, she attended an uncredited faith college as per her family and church’s guidance and restrictions.
Courtney married a man 11 years older than her. Her husband, who had his own internal struggles, took his own life and Courtney was left alone and felt unsupported ; especially by the church. This particular church was very supportive of older widows, but not one in their early 30s. Courtney decided she was going to start standing up for herself, only date someone that believed women should have a voice, and wasn’t going to let heartache and suffering keep her from living her life and finding love again. The kind of love she knew she deserved.
Chris and Courtney met through OkCupid (ahhhhh hope that online dating apps can work!). There was an instant connection online and even greater when they met in person and what was suppose to be a short date turned into an hours long perfect first date. Courtney supports Chris’s adventurous spirit and Chris supports Courtney gaining more independence and confidence in her own voice.
There is aways more to learn about the wonderful people I have the honor of meeting through Beautiful Strength and on this incredible road trip (That is now going on 2 years!!! WHAAATTT). My encounters are often brief, but immediately deep and heartfelt. They are connections that I hope to maintain throughout my life. I am literally collecting friendships along the way and I will be rooting for these two from here on out.