What is the Beautiful Photo Project?
The Beautiful Strength photo project is about celebrating the resilience of the human spirit through the power of conversation and photography. It’s about being YOU. Owning who you are, inside and out, and sharing YOUR story. Your achievements, your struggles, your vulnerability, your weaknesses, your strengths, your ability to overcome obstacles and pursue greatness. YOUR RESILIENCE. Itʼs about being empowered to tell your unique life’s story through the art of a photograph and your own handwriting.
What does a Beautiful Strength Photo Session consist of?
You will enter the bus or studio set up and have your portrait taken. You are encouraged not to negatively criticize your photo. You can ask to try something different, but no negative self talk, you’re beautiful the way you are… every angle and every scar, dimple, and love line. The image is sent to an iPad (NO RETOUCHING because gosh darnit, you’re awesome how you are!). You will then have the opportunity to write, in your own handwriting, on your portrait and tell your story. This can be through words, quotes, lyrics, drawings, however you would like to express your story.
How do I prepare for a Beautiful Strength Photo Session?
Be willing to be vulnerable. Your story WILL help someone, yourself included. Guaranteed. We all struggle and when we share our stories, we connect and we can heal and help others heal. Be honest and open and share as much as you feel comfortable.
Here are some questions to think about when writing your story:
1. Has anyone ever made you feel inferior because of your size, body type, gender, sexuality, color of your skin, nationality, disability, uniqueness, weirdness, quirkiness, etc? (we believe weird is awesome.. so you are in good company!)
2. What obstacles have presented themselves in your life and how have you overcame them/or how are you facing them with courage? (We all have em, how are you dealing with them because WE want to know because we’re looking for inspiration too!)
3. What about you makes you proud of yourself? (Here’s some space for some self lovin’!)
4. What positive adjectives describe you? (Go ahead, pump yourself up!)
5. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? (this may be hard to limit it to one… so feel free to add an entire list here!)
6. How do you stay positive in a time of struggle? How do you encourage others to do the same? ( the struggle is REAL… and we all have one! Attitude makes a huge difference!)
7. How have you shown resilience in your life? (tell us how badass you are because we already think you’re pretty awesome!)
8. What misconceptions do people have about you, your body, your situation, your ethnicity, sexuality, appearance, history, etc? (this is an opportunity to educate others in a kind manner about what you’re really capable of or what they have misunderstood. Nobody has ever walked in your shoes or knows your thoughts and feelings... this is a time to let your knowledge fly! )
9. What are you doing to make future generations feel Beautiful and Strong and accept themselves for who they are? (Pay it forward!)
10. How would you feel Seen, Heard, Valued, and Loved?
How many images will I receive from a Beautiful Strength Photo Session?
The session will result in ONE fabulous portrait.
(No professional usage of images- but you can hire Annette separately if you need some! www.annettemcnamara.com)
How do I receive my portrait from a Beautiful Strength Photo Session?
Your photo will be emailed to you. Your photo will also be posted on the website www.beautifulstrength.org as well as in a queue on the Instagram accounts @beautifulstrength_org and @beautifulstrength_bus as well as on the Facebook page Beautiful Strength and Beautiful Strength Bus. Once your photo is posted, feel free to copy and save your image. When reposting, please use the hashtags #beautifulstrengthorg and tag us in your post.
How much does a Beautiful Strength Photo Session cost?
Beautiful Strength Org runs completely off donations and fundraisers. There is no specific cost to a session. A donation is encouraged and welcomed. You can also purchase merchandise such as stickers, t-shirts, candles, and more. Money will go toward keeping this project alive and rolling. The more money it makes, the more lives it can positively effect!! And how cool does it feel to be a part of something positive and impactful?!? It’s AWESOME!
The Beautiful Strength Photo Sessions are a really empowering experience. We are excited for you to be a part of it!
From all of us here at Beautiful Strength, we want you to know that you are a baddass, a warrior, a fanfrickentastic human and we can’t wait hear YOUR story!